Cheers! EFI’s 2020 New Year’s Resolutions

Cheers! EFI’s 2020 New Year’s Resolutions Energy Federation Incorporation EFI | Energy Federation Incorporation

Happy New Year! Starting a new year is always an exciting opportunity to improve, excel, and reach and we love setting new goals for ourselves each year. It’s even more exciting when it’s a brand new decade! Here are a few goals we are committed to achieving in 2020 and beyond:

More Product = More Savings
Every year, we make sure to research new products to add to our marketplaces. From smart home technology to new energy-efficient appliances and devices, we know that the more options we include in our marketplaces, the more opportunities we are giving to utility customers to make smart choices when it comes to buying products for their homes. By attending consumer shows (such as CES) and developing our partner relationships with manufacturers, we make sure to stay up to date on what is new and what is next in the energy efficiency space.

Continue Improving the Customer Experience
In 2019, we enhanced our customer engagement tools with the addition of live chat to the various methods utility customers can get in touch with our customer service team while shopping our marketplaces. Doing so allowed us to reduce our customer calls by 64%. At the end of 2019, EFI’s NPS score (Net Promoter Score) reached an impressive 82. We are proud of these accomplishments but won’t stop there – in 2020, we resolve to keep finding ways to enhance and improve our customer service tools to ensure all customers are happy with their efficient experiences. 

live chat, customer experience, omni-channnel

Learn, Learn, LEARN!
By educating our team on the latest technology, best practices for utilities, and keeping up with EE trends, we are able to provide even better service to you. By attending events and tradeshows throughout the year, signing the team up for webinars monthly, hosting internal Lunch & Learns, and more, we promise to stay on top of it all and encouraging our team to keep learning.

Save Even MORE Energy!
In 2018, the product sold in the EFI online marketplaces saved about 308 million kilowatt-hours of electricity use. In November 2019, EFI sold over 80,000 LED bulbs during a Thanksgiving promotion with one of its largest partners – that’s over 2 million kilowatt-hours saved just on one marketplace in just one month! There’s no way we’re not stopping there. EFI’s mission is to save as much as energy as possible (and therefore saving utility customers money) and we vow to keep doing everything we can to do so in 2020. We love nothing more than beating numbers year over year!

What are your 2020 resolutions?



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